R wrappers are necessary to couple crop models with CroptimizR.
Indeed, the estim_param
function will need to run the model
(for which parameters have to be estimated), on a set of observed
situations and for values of estimated parameters proposed by the
selected algorithm. It will then compute the selected (least-square or
likelihood) criterion using the resulting simulated values and
corresponding observations. An R wrapper is thus basically an R function
able to run model simulations for prescribed values of some of its input
parameters and to return the values of its simulated outputs. It must
have specific arguments, returned values and behavior, as detailed in
the following.
The first section presents the concepts for building a basic version of a model wrapper. The second section section presents optional issues. The third one shows examples on a simple toy model.
We will detail here what is mandatory in terms of interface of the wrapper and expected behavior. Optional issues for more advanced users are detailed in the next section.
Please note that this basic version does not allow to perform simultaneous estimation of specific and varietal parameters on a dataset including several cultivars (i.e. as in the example detailed in Additional functionnalities are needed for that, as detailed in section “Optional issues”.
Here’s a header for a basic version of a model wrapper:
#' @title My model wrapper for CroptimizR
#' @description This function runs my crop model on a set of situations
#' (i.e. environments) using the values of the parameters defined in the
#' param_values argument. It returns the values of the simulated outputs.
#' @param param_values (optional) a named vector that contains the value(s) and
#' name(s) of the parameters to force for each situation to simulate.
#' If not provided (or if is NULL), the simulations will be performed using
#' default values of the parameters (e.g. as read in the model input files).
#' @param situation Vector of situations names for which results must be
#' returned.
#' @param model_options List containing any information needed to run the model
#' (e.g. path to model input files and executable, ...)
#' @return A list containing:
#' o `sim_list`: a `named list` (names = situations names) of data.frames
#' (or tibbles) of simulated output values (one element of the list per
#` simulated situation)
#' o `error`: an error code indicating if at least one simulation ended
#' with an error.
model_wrapper <- function(param_values = NULL, situation, model_options, ...) {
Each argument detailed here must be defined for any CroptimizR model wrapper. You can use this header to develop yours. Be careful, “…” is mandatory at the end of the argument list since CroptimizR may give additional arguments for more advanced wrappers.
The shape of the param_values
and situation
arguments are imposed by CroptimizR. This is not the case of the
argument (except the fact that is must be a
list): its content must be defined by the developper of the model
wrapper. It is typically used to provide to the model wrapper what it
needs to run the model (e.g. path to the model executable, path to the
directory containing model input files for the situations to simulate,
…). The user provides model_options
which gives it as is to the model wrapper.
It is advisable to define param_values
as an optional
argument, so that the model wrapper can be used directly by the user
(i.e. outside of estim_param
) to run the model using
default values for all of its parameters.
A situation corresponds to a simulation (for example a specific treatment on a given soil for a given period).
To run your model from R, several technical solutions are possible
depending on the language it is implemented with. A simple solution
(although not the most computationally efficient) is to run its
executable using the R function system2
. Otherwise,
different languages can be directly interfaced in R: for example Python,
using the R package reticulate
, C and C++ (see e.g.,
fortran (see e.g.…
The values of the parameters are specified in the
vector. The names of the parameters can be
retrieved using names(param_values)
The value returned by the model wrapper must be a list, noted
in the following. This list must contain an element
named sim_list
. sim_list
must be a named list
(names = situations names) of size the number of situations to simulate
and having the attribute “cropr_simulation” (to use the CroPlotR package).
You can initialize it like this:
results$sim_list <- setNames(vector("list",length(situation)), nm = situation)
attr(results$sim_list, "class") <- "cropr_simulation"
Each element of the list should be a data.frame (or a tibble) with the results obtained for all simulated variables and dates for the given situation.
The data.frames must have one column called Date
containing the simulations dates, in Date or POSIXct format (see R
function base::as.Date
or base::as.POSIXct
The other columns contain the values of the simulated variables, and the
names of the columns must be the simulated variables names.
For example, if situation
`c(“situation1”,“situation2”,“situation3”), sim_list should look
#> A tibble: *** x ***
#> Date var1 var2 var3 var4 ...
#> <dttm> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1994-10-17 0 2.53 4.80 150
#> 2 1994-10-18 0 2.31 4.66 150
#> 3 1994-10-19 0 4.55 4.44 150
#> A tibble: *** x ***
#> Date var1 var2 var3 var4...
#> <dttm> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1995-10-17 0 2.60 4.80 138
#> 2 1995-10-18 0 3.42 4.70 138
#> 3 1995-10-19 0 5.25 4.45 138
#> A tibble: *** x ***
#> Date var1 var2 var3 var4 ...
#> <dttm> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1996-10-17 0 2.41 4.81 142
#> 2 1996-10-18 0 3.03 4.71 142
#> 3 1996-10-19 0 5.10 4.47 142
** Note that there is not for the moment any dedicated data structure handled in CroptimizR and CroPlotR for storing simulated variables that do no depend on time (e.g. such as the julian day of a given phenological stage). You must thus include them in the data.frames described here-before. For this variables, it is strongly advised to replicate their (unique) values for all rows of the data.frames (see e.g. var4 in the data.frames described here-before). This makes it possible to compare these simulated values to the corresponding observed values regardless of the dates with which they are associated in the data.frames including the observations.**
If any simulation failed for any reason, use the R function
to print any useful information about the error and
set the variable results$error
(and to
In CroptimizR, parameter estimation is based on the
comparison between the values of the observed and simulated variables at
corresponding dates. Only the situations, variables and dates common to
both observations provided to the estim_param
function, and
simulations returned by the wrapper used, will be taken into account in
the parameter estimation process. In case where the value of an observed
variable is NA for a given situation and date, it will not be taken into
account. In case where the value of a simulated variable is NA (or Inf)
for a given situation and date for which there is an observation, the
optimized criterion will take the NA value, which may stop the process,
and the user will be warned.
A typical pseudo-code implementation of a basic wrapper function is thus:
model_wrapper <- function(param_values = NULL, situation, model_options, ...) {
# Initializations
# param_names <- names(param_values)
results <- list(sim_list = setNames(vector("list", length(situation)),
nm = situation),
error = FALSE)
attr(results$sim_list, "class") <- "cropr_simulation"
for (situation in situation) {
# overwrite model input parameters of names contained in param_names with
# values retrieved in param_values
# run the model for the given situation
# read the results and store the data.frame in result$sim_list[[situation]]
if (any_error_returned_by_the_model_or_detected_in_its_results) {
results$error <- TRUE
Check the results returned by the wrapper are identical to what is given by your model when used in a standard way (i.e. not through the wrapper)
Run the test_wrapper function
test_wrapper(model_function, model_options, param_values, situation, var=NULL)
This function has been created to perfom several checks on user model wrappers.
It takes in input:
It runs the given model wrapper consecutively with different subsets of param_values.
It then checks:
If all tests succeed, it returns:
## Test the wrapper returns outputs in expected format ...
## ... OK
## Test the wrapper gives identical results when running with same inputs ...
## ... OK
## Test the wrapper gives different results when running with different inputs ...
## ... OK
If some test fails, information written in red should help you understanding the problem.
Examples of use of this function are given in section Examples
function on your
wrapper for a simple case (see e.g. examples in section
Examples or you want your model wrapper to be used for simultaneous estimation
of specific and varietal parameters on a dataset including several
cultivars (e.g. as in the example detailed in,
the param_values
argument must be able to receive a
data.frame (or tibble) including a specific column named
. In this case, the different lines of the
data.frame will specify the values of the parameters to use in the model
for the situation given in the column situation
, as in the
example below:
# A tibble: 4 x 4
#> situation p1 p2 p3
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 sit1 50.14 1.14 340.43
#> 2 sit2 55.37 1.23 126.47
#> 3 sit3 43.22 2.12 234.56
#> 4 sit4 38.49 2.02 236.45
Depending on the application (simple case or simultaneous specific
and varietal parameters estimation), the estim_param
function will thus pass to the model wrapper either a named vector or a
data.frame, including or not the situation
column. Both
shapes have thus to be handled in the model wrapper in this case. This
may be done as in the following piece of code:
# convert param_values in a tibble
param_values <- tibble::tibble(!!!param_values)
# loop on the situations to simulate
for (sit in situation_list) {
# extract the parameters values to apply for the given situation
params <- NULL
if (!is.null(param_values)) {
if (! "situation" %in% names(param_values)) {
params <- param_values
} else {
params <- dplyr::filter(param_values, situation == sit) %>%
# run the model with parameters values defined by params
If possible implement any check you can concerning what is given to
the wrapper. Print a message using the warning
function and
return TRUE in results$error
if a problem is detected. It
may be an unknown parameter name given in param_values
, an
unknown situation name given in sit_name
, an incorrect
model option (field of model_option
) such as an incorrect
model path for example …
If possible with your model (pay attention to concurrency access to model input and output files), managing parallel simulations of the different situations to simulate may drastically reduce the execution time.
The doParallel package can be used for that. There are specificities when coding a parallel loop: in particular, a list pre allocated outside of the loop is not shared between cores so return statements must be used inside. Here is an example for illustrating this issue:
# Code of an example of foreach loop algo
## Loading required package: foreach
## Loading required package: iterators
## Loading required package: parallel
test_parallel <- function(cores_nb = 1,
pa = FALSE,
max_it = 5) {
# pa: flag to switch from case with pre-allocated list to case with
#returned statement
# Launching the cluster
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores_nb)
# List preallocation
out_pa <- vector(mode = "list", max_it)
# Parallel loop
out <- foreach(i = 1:max_it) %dopar% {
if (pa) {
out_pa[[i]] <- i # store results in a pre-allocted list
} else {
return(i) # return the results
# Stopping the cluster
if (pa) {
} else {
cores_nb <- 2
# Case with returned statement
out <- test_parallel(cores_nb)
# Case with pre-allocated list
out_pa <- test_parallel(cores_nb, TRUE)
## [[1]]
## [1] 1
## [[2]]
## [1] 2
## [[3]]
## [1] 3
## [[4]]
## [1] 4
## [[5]]
## [1] 5
## [[1]]
## [[2]]
## [[3]]
## [[4]]
## [[5]]
Two additional arguments (var
) can be defined in the wrapper and are
provided by the estim_param
function when it calls the
wrapper. They can be used to select the results to return and are
particularly useful if this selection allows saving computation time or
memory (for example if model results are read in a databasis with
specific request per variable and/or date, or if model results are read
in different files depending on the variables …).
is a vector of variables names for which results
must be returned.
is a list of data.frame similar to
. It indicates the list of variables and
dates for each situation for which results must be returned: if
does not contain
NA, then the simulated value of variable “var1” at date
must be returned in
It is advised to define them as optionnal arguments with default
value equal to NULL. If not given or if they are NULL, the wrapper
should return results for all simulated variables. If both arguments are
handled in the model wrapper code (which is not mandatory: none of them
or only one of them can be handled) and non-null values are given for
both, only sit_var_dates_mask
should be taken into account
since it is more detailed.
lai_toymodel <- function(year, max_lai = 8, julday_incslope = 100,
inc_slope = 5, julday_decslope = 200, dec_slope = 2) {
# Simulate lai for a single crop over 2 years
# (from 01/01/year to 31/12/(year+1) with a simple double-logistic function
# Arguments
# - year: first year of simulation
# - max_lai: max value for lai
# - inc_slope and dec_slope: increasing and decreasing slope
# - julday_incslope and julday_decslope: julian days of maximal increasing
# and decreasing slopes
# Value
# - lai: vector of simulated lai
# - dates: vector of dates (POSIXct) for which lai is computed
end_day <- format(as.Date(paste0(year + 1, "-12-31"), format = "%Y-%m-%d",
origin = paste0(year, "-01-01")), "%j")
jul_days <- 1:as.numeric(end_day)
lai <- max_lai * (1 / (1 + exp((julday_incslope - jul_days) / inc_slope)) -
1 / (1 + exp((julday_decslope - jul_days) / dec_slope)))
lai[lai < 0] <- 0
dates <-
origin = paste0(year, "-01-01"))
format = "%Y-%m-%d", tz = "UTC"
return(list(dates = dates, lai = lai))
laitm_simple_wrapper <- function(param_values = NULL, situation,
model_options, ...) {
# A basic wrapper for lai_toymodel
# Arguments
# - param_values: (optional) named vector containing the values of the
# lay_toymodel parameters to force among max_lai, inc_slope, dec_slope,
# julday_incslope and julday_decslope
# - situation: Vector of situations names for which results must be returned
# In this case, the names of the situations are coded as "year_suffix"
# - model_options: not used in this case
# - ...: mandatory since CroptimizR will give additional arguments not used
# here
# Value:
# A named list of tibble per situation.
# Each tibble contains columns:
# - Date (POSIXct dates of simulated results),
# - One column per simulated variable (lai in this case)
# Details:
# - Runs the lai_toymodel for a set of situations defined in situation
# - Forces the parameters of lai_toymodel with the values given in
# param_values argument
# - Returns the required simulated values
results <-
sim_list =
vector("list", length(situation)),
nm = situation
error = FALSE
attr(results$sim_list, "class") <- "cropr_simulation"
for (sit in situation) {
# Retrieve year, emergence and crop_duration from situation name
tmp <- stringr::str_split(sit, "_")
year <- as.numeric(tmp[[1]][[1]])
# Check inputs
if (year < 1) {
"not well defined, first part is supposed to be a = year!"
results$error <- TRUE
if (!all(names(param_values) %in% c(
)) {
"Unknown parameters in param_values:",
paste(names(param_values), collapse = ",")
results$error <- TRUE
# Call the lai_toymodel with varying arguments depending on what is given in
# param_values
res_laitm <-
c(as.list(param_values), list(year = year))
# Fill the result variable
results$sim_list[[sit]] <-
Date = res_laitm$dates,
lai = res_laitm$lai
Testing this wrapper using the test_wrapper function:
model_function = laitm_simple_wrapper,
model_options = NULL,
param_values = c(inc_slope = 25, dec_slope = 10),
situation = c("2005_a")
## Test the wrapper returns outputs in expected format ...
## ... OK
## Test the wrapper gives identical results when running with same inputs ...
## ... OK
## Test the wrapper gives different results when running with different inputs ...
## ... OK
The little piece of code below shows an example of parameter estimation using this wrapper:
tmp <- laitm_simple_wrapper(
situation = "2005_a",
param_values = c(inc_slope = 25, dec_slope = 10)
# Create synthetic observations by selecting simulated results
ind <- sort(sample(nrow(tmp$sim_list$`2005_a`), 50))
obs_synth <- list(`2005_a` = tmp$sim_list$`2005_a`[ind, ])
# Try to retrieve inc_slope and dec_slope values
param_info <- list(
lb = c(inc_slope = 1, dec_slope = 1),
ub = c(inc_slope = 100, dec_slope = 100)
optim_options <- list(nb_rep = 5, maxeval = 100, xtol_rel = 1e-2)
res <- estim_param(
crit_function = crit_ols,
model_function = laitm_simple_wrapper,
optim_options = optim_options,
param_info = param_info
## ---------------------
## Estimated parameters: inc_slope dec_slope
## ---------------------
## Working: 20.00%. Estimated remaining time: 3.15 secs
## Working: 40.00%. Estimated remaining time: 2.16 secs
## Working: 60.00%. Estimated remaining time: 1.51 secs
## Working: 80.00%. Estimated remaining time: 0.78 secs
## Working: 100.00%. Estimated remaining time: 0.00 secs
## $inc_slope
## $dec_slope
## $inc_slope
## $dec_slope
## $criterion
## [[1]]
## List of observed variables used: lai
## Estimated value for inc_slope : 25
## Estimated value for dec_slope : 10
## Minimum value of the criterion: 0.00027
## Complementary graphs and results can be found in /Users/runner/work/CroptimizR/CroptimizR/vignettes
## Average time for the model to simulate all required situations: 0.0067 sec elapsed
## Total number of criterion evaluation: 211
## Total time of model simulations: 1 sec elapsed
## Total time of parameter estimation process: 8 sec elapsed
## ----------------------
## inc_slope dec_slope
## 24.946505 9.991608
# Plot the simulations obtained with the optimized values of the parameters VS
# the observed ones using the CroPlotR package.
if (!require("CroPlotR")) {
tmp <- laitm_simple_wrapper(situation = c("2005_a", "2006_b"),
param_values = res$final_values)
plot(tmp$sim_list, obs = obs_synth, type = "scatter")
## $all_situations
This one can be used to perform simultaneous estimation of specific and varietal parameters on a dataset including several cultivars.
laitm_simple_wrapper_v2 <- function(param_values = NULL, situation,
model_options, ...) {
# A basic wrapper for lai_toymodel
# Arguments
# - param_values: (optional) a named vector or a tibble containing the
# values of the lay_toymodel parameters to force among max_lai, inc_slope,
# dec_slope,julday_incslope and julday_decslope. An optional column named
# Situation containing the name of the situations allows to define
# different values of the parameters for different situations.
# - situation: Vector of situations names for which results must be
# returned.
# In this case, the names of the situations are coded as "year_suffix"
# - model_options: not used in this case
# - ...: mandatory since CroptimizR will give additional arguments not used
# here
# Value:
# A named list of tibble per situation.
# Each tibble contains columns:
# - Date (POSIXct dates of simulated results),
# - One column per simulated variable (lai in this case)
# Details:
# - Runs the lai_toymodel for a set of situations defined in situation
# - Forces the parameters of lai_toymodel with the values given in
# param_values argument
# - Returns the required simulated values
results <- list(
sim_list = setNames(
vector("list", length(situation)),
nm = situation
error = FALSE
attr(results$sim_list, "class") <- "cropr_simulation"
param_values <- tibble::tibble(!!!param_values) # convert param_values
# in a tibble
for (sit in situation) {
# Retrieve year, emergence and crop_duration from situation name
tmp <- stringr::str_split(sit, "_")
year <- as.numeric(tmp[[1]][[1]])
# Check inputs
if (year < 1) {
"not well defined, first part is supposed to be a year!"
results$error <- TRUE
# extract the parameters values to apply for the given situation
params <- NULL
if (!is.null(param_values)) {
if (! "situation" %in% names(param_values)) {
params <- param_values
} else {
params <-
dplyr::filter(param_values, situation == sit) %>%
if (!all(names(params) %in% c(
)) {
"Unknown parameters in param_values:",
paste(names(param_values), collapse = ",")
results$error <- TRUE
# Call the lai_toymodel with varying arguments depending on what is given in
# param_values
res_laitm <-
c(as.list(params), list(year = year))
# Fill the result variable
results$sim_list[[sit]] <-
Date = res_laitm$dates,
lai = res_laitm$lai
Testing this wrapper using the test_wrapper function:
model_function = laitm_simple_wrapper_v2,
model_options = NULL,
param_values = c(inc_slope = 25, dec_slope = 10),
situation = c("2005_a")
## Test the wrapper returns outputs in expected format ...
## ... OK
## Test the wrapper gives identical results when running with same inputs ...
## ... OK
## Test the wrapper gives different results when running with different inputs ...
## ... OK
The code below shows an example of a simultaneous estimation of specific (dec_slope here) and varietal (inc_slope) parameters using this wrapper:
tmp <- laitm_simple_wrapper_v2(
situation = c("2005_a", "2006_b"),
param_values = dplyr::tibble(
situation = c("2005_a", "2006_b"),
inc_slope = c(25, 50),
dec_slope = c(10, 10)
# Create synthetic observations by selecting simulated results
length_2005_a <- nrow(tmp$sim_list$`2005_a`)
length_2006_b <- nrow(tmp$sim_list$`2006_b`)
obs_synth <- list(
`2005_a` =
seq(from = 1, to = length_2005_a, by = 3),
`2006_b` =
seq(from = 1, to = length_2006_b, by = 3),
# Try to retrieve inc_slope and dec_slope values on both situations
param_info <- list(
inc_slope = list(
sit_list = list("2005_a", "2006_b"),
lb = c(1, 1),
ub = c(100, 100)
dec_slope = list(
sit_list = list(c("2005_a", "2006_b")),
lb = 1, ub = 100
optim_options <- list(nb_rep = 5, maxeval = 100, xtol_rel = 1e-2)
res <- estim_param(obs_synth, crit_function = crit_ols,
model_function = laitm_simple_wrapper_v2,
optim_options = optim_options,
param_info = param_info)
## ---------------------
## Estimated parameters: inc_slope dec_slope
## ---------------------
## Working: 20.00%. Estimated remaining time: 4.82 secs
## Working: 40.00%. Estimated remaining time: 4.89 secs
## Working: 60.00%. Estimated remaining time: 3.77 secs
## Working: 80.00%. Estimated remaining time: 2.36 secs
## Working: 100.00%. Estimated remaining time: 0.00 secs
## $inc_slope1
## $inc_slope2
## $dec_slope
## $inc_slope1
## $inc_slope2
## $dec_slope
## $criterion
## [[1]]
## [[2]]
## [[3]]
## List of observed variables used: lai
## Estimated value for inc_slope1 : 25
## Estimated value for inc_slope2 : 50
## Estimated value for dec_slope : 10
## Minimum value of the criterion: 0.0057
## Complementary graphs and results can be found in /Users/runner/work/CroptimizR/CroptimizR/vignettes
## Average time for the model to simulate all required situations: 0.019 sec elapsed
## Total number of criterion evaluation: 293
## Total time of model simulations: 6 sec elapsed
## Total time of parameter estimation process: 16 sec elapsed
## ----------------------
## inc_slope1 inc_slope2 dec_slope
## 24.87314 49.78545 10.00287
# Plot the simulations obtained with the optimized values of the parameters VS
# the observed ones using the CroPlotR package.
if (!require("CroPlotR")) {
tmp <- laitm_simple_wrapper_v2(
situation = c("2005_a", "2006_b"),
param_values = dplyr::tibble(
situation = c("2005_a", "2006_b"),
inc_slope = c(
dec_slope = res$final_values[["dec_slope"]]
plot(tmp$sim_list, obs = obs_synth, type = "scatter")
## $all_situations